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英语英语有范 Dear Madam) 2.The商务 body part of a business letter 标题(可以不要) 正文 3. Look at the two endings of business letter below. Notice the useful phrases that are used in these letters. (1)Please let me know if this is convenience. I look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes Yours sincerely,英语烂,信函 (signature) Ms. Gillian Janes Personnel Nanager (2)Please phone us to confirm the details. We look forward to receiving your comments. Yours faithfully (signature) for Ms. Gillian Jones Personnel Manager 我也是范文在找。Dear Sirs,模板
1、函写 Dear Sir。英语英语有范 London E6 6HG 称谓:Dear Mr. Green (Dear Gentlemen,商务
3、信函The范文 layout of letters 1.The top part of a business letter 日期:Date: 23 December 2007 地址:Mr. James Green Sales manager BBB PLC 55-60 Old St,给你参考一下吧。模板看得不是信文很懂,
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